The Amazonas state (1.564.445 Km²) has the largest equatorial forest in the world, its hydrographic basin (6.217.220 Km²) holds more than 20 thousand kilometers via navigation, the mainstreams are Amazonas, Negro, Solimões, Purus, Juruá and Madeira River.

The state population called "Amazonense" and known as lovely and friendly people, is 3.332.330 inhabitants which 48% live in Capital Manaus, called Manauara or Manauense. The density is 2,06 inhabit/Km² (2006).

The economy thrives mainly on the duty free zone, established in 1967 and Ecotourism, a fast growing niche type of tourism. Mining, agriculture and cattle breeding are other types of activities developing in Amazonas State.

The Amazonas state is located in the middle of Brazilian's Northern Region, border at North to Roraima State, Venezuela and Colombia; at East to Pará State, at Southeast to Mato Grosso State; at South to Rondônia State and at Southwest to Acre State and Peru.

Amazonas Geographic location:
Latitude: From North - 2o08'30" to South - 9o49'00".
Longitude: From East - 56o04'50" to West - 73o48'46"

Manaus Geographic location (Capital)
Latitude: - 03o06'07".
Longitude: - 60o01'30"

The climate is tropical hot and humid, with average temperature of 31.4o C (56.5 F), the rainy season is from December to May and Rio Negro (Black River) reaches its highest level on June and its lowest on September. The monthly average of precipitation in Manaus is 210 mm.

Its relief distinguishes by stable land, plane and low. The elevations are found at the border to Roraima and Venezuela, where we can find the mountains Itapirapecó, Imeri, Urucuzeiro and Cupim. In this area it is located the Pico da Neblina (3,014 m), the highest point of Brazil.

The lowest plan area called Planície Amazônica is composed of:
* Várzeas (floodplain) and Igapós (flooded forest during high level of river)
* Terra firme
The vegetation is dense and heterogeneous, comprised of a fantastic biodiversity, it hides species unknown by science yet, and covers 90% of all area of the Amazonas States.
It presents the following kind of forests:
* Forest Perenifolia Hileiana Amazônica - Vegetation of Terra Firma.
* Forest Perenifolia Paludosa Ribeirinha - Vegetation of floodplain (immersed during some periods).
* Mata de Igapó - Forest always under water.

See scientific information of Amazon Rainforest

Its capital, Manaus,was one of the first cities in the country to have electric power and reached its highest economic peak at the rubber boom (hevea brasiliensis) epoch in which the rubber barons invested in exuberance architectural monuments, like Opera House, Customs and the floating harbor. At that time Manaus was known as the Paris of South America.

Manaus, whose name originated from the Manaos Indians, which inhabited the region, is situated on the left bank of the Rio Negro, close to the meeting of the waters with Rio Solimões (Solimões River) waters. TThe point where the Rio Negro meets the Rio Solimões leads a spectacular phenomenon. The black water of the Negro River runs side by side by the creamy colored water of the Solimões River for along 4 to 6 kilometers without mixing, as a result of different water characteristics (temperature - density - speed), and them forming the magnificent Amazon River.

The time difference from Brasília time (Capital of Brazil) is normally minus one hour and minus two hours during summer time (October to March).
The banks generally open from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM local time.

Additional Information:
* Commercial establishment (hotels, bars and restaurants) charges a 10% of service tax.
* Electric power 110 V.

Local Food: Based on regional fish, tropical fruits and manioc powder (3 recipes).

Interesting places to visit:

> Opera House, Municipal Market, Rio Negro Palace and Indian Museum..

> Bosque da Ciência (INPA).

> Zoo CIGS (Center of Instruction of War in the Jungle).

> Meeting of the waters Negro and Solimões Rivers & River Dolphins.

> Have a chat on Ponta Negra Beach and a visit to Centro Cultural dos Povos da Amazônia (Cultural Centre Amazonian People).

> And, of course, an over night adventure in a hotel of forest, river cruises and waterfalls excursions.

The municipal of Presidente Figueiredo, Silves, Barcelos, Novo Airão, Iranduba and Manacapuru have tourism undertaking, while Parintins has own annual attraction in June, the Parintins Folklore Festival is about two groups (Caprichoso and Garantido) performing for three nights of pure folklore manifestation of an Indian origins, harmony, energy and emotion.


- Drink mineral water, bring light and comfortable clothes, shoes for trekking, rain coat, flashlight, sun glasses, insect repellent and sun block.
- Yellow fever and Tetanus vaccine.
- Check if VISA is required at Government page for tourists, it is subject to change. In case of doubt contact the Brazilian Consulates.