Situated in the right bank of the Negro River, is the largest city of the State of Amazon, second only to Manaus, with a territorial area of 89,572 km², located 396 km in a straight-line from Manaus and 496 km by river.
Historical data
- In Mariuá, village of the Manaus Indians, from where originated the current city of Barcelos, the Carmelite Frei Matias São Boaventuras established in 1728 the Mission of Nossa Senhora of Mariuá. 30 years later, Mariuá is promoted to the category of village and receives the name Barcelos becoming the capital of the State of São Jose of the Negro River. In 1968, the city was fit as an Area of National Security.
- The area is identified as Amazonian Plain, where punctures are distinguished, paranás and recent fluvial linear deposits.
- The city belongs to the hydrographic basin of the Negro River, and counts an abundant mesh of rivers, paranás and lakes, like:
> Rivers: Negro, Aracá, Padaueri, Demini, Quiunim, Caurês, Jufaris e Jaú.
> Lakes: Pedras e São Roque.
> Paranás: Floresta e Piloto.
- Is formed by the one of firm land (high acidity and low fertility) and of fertile valley (they are of course fertile).
- The forest is characteristically tropical, of the type Dense Ombrófila Forest (Amazonian Forest), is composed of luxurious flora, with trees of great port distinguished, for its economic value, like the rubber tree , brazil nut, copaíba and maçaranduba, besides the medicinal plants.
> Fluvial: main access to Barcelos in regional boats.
> Aerial: the city has a regional airport for small and medium planes.
The agricultural production, based in the crops of banana, rice and mandioca, is not enough for the necessities of the city, importing the majority of the foodstuffs that consumes.
The city possess an enviable tourist potential, since in its territory is situated part of the National Park of the Jaú, the State Park of the Aracá Mountain and Mariuá Archipelago, with more than 1.400 islands, is considered the largest fresh water archipelago in the world, with about 700 species of eatable and ornamental fish (exported to countries in Europe, Asia and America).
Because of being responsible for the income of more than 60% of the population of the city, the Festival of the Ornamental fish was incorporated in 1994, praising the culture of the city and the life of the " piabeiros " fishermen, at the time of the party the fisherman displays rare species of fish and the tourists choose the most exotic.
The Tourism appears as a great economic source, mainly the ecoturismo and Sport Fishing, receiving large investments.
Social and Cultural aspects
In June, the
folkloric parties occur, in which dances of bois-bumbás
and groups are distinguished.
In the summer, period where the dry season of the rivers
occurs, the city offers to the local community and to the
visitor beaches of rare beauty.
Main events of Barcelos | Month |
Festival of the Ornamental Fish | January |
Barcelos Anniversary | May |
Party of Santo Alberto de Carvoeiro | August |
Party of Immaculate Conceição de Mariuá (Protector Saint) | November/December |