Viverde (live + green) is a travel agency that emerged from a passion of a
Brazilian couple for the Amazon - jungle, climate, people, the
will to explore the unexplored, to live an adventure and pass the
sensation of freedom and joy to other people. Hence, in 1993 when
some industries in the Industrial District of Manaus decided to
re-located their operations elsewhere, we than decided to change
our jobs into the challenging ecological tourist direction.
We believed and still believe that the solution to the development of the Amazonas State is not only the Industrial District and industrial activity, which depends mostly on incentives and politics, but mainly trough a rational way of exploring the amazon rain forest by research, agriculture, fishing and specially tourism.
A lack of capital made our Receptive Agency project to remain on paper until April 8th 1996, when we started our work, and the dream of our life, "Viverde Turismo". Since then our family grew. Today we have a son and a daughter (both "Amazonenses", which means born in Amazonas State) and caring for their future, we have established a new philosophy in life which pledge for the preservation of the Amazon Ecosystem.

Environment Preservation
Educating people from Amazonas, Tourists and Partners, Ecological Campaigns for preservation and resforestation, publishing educational material and incentive to recycling.
Promoting the Amazon Region
Showing to World that the Amazon Region should not be only a newspaper report or a chapter in a geographic book, its wonderful and evidently, its possible to know it any way you want: secure and comfortable or as an adventure.
Support for Caboclos
Support the "Caboclos" (people from inland) in their alternatives for economical activities (like ecotourism or suteinable activities), to become easyer their life in the Jungle, keeping always in mind "the Jungle is their home and nobody has the right to destroy it, even them".
Know how to preserve!
Don't consume the "Manatee" (Trichecus inunguis) meat. Its hunt has been forbidden since 1971, when its number have been in dangerous decrease every year.
Native animals - "Who loves, does not buy it"
Don't interfere with the Eco-environment:
* Use bags for trash and deposited at appropriate places.
* Don't touch the flowers, they are vital for the species.
* Don't break the branches or waste the fruits, because it feeds the Fauna of the region.
* Don't catch or feed the wild animals, they have a natural diet, and interference can cause problems to the animals health. It is a crime to capture and jail animals.
* Don't carry any musical equipment. The enchantment of silence and the sound of nature are enough for relaxing and forgetting the stress of an urban life.